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The Future of Water Summit Ambassadors

Public·5 Future of Water Summit Ambassadors

Hardeep Anand
August 17, 2022 · joined the group along with amit.pramanik.

WHOVA published the summit report. Impressive numbers for the first summit! Cheers!

Team: What other groups you think we should have here? We need to start thinking about a central place for all of our members so that we can have a place to connect. It needs to be easy, friendly and encapsulated in one place so that they do not have to go to multiple sites or places. I have retired Mighty Networks and Facebook workplaces as well.

Also, social media: We will have Linkedin, Twitter, Instagram and yes, Tik Tok very soon!

Dear Team: Once again, thank you, thank you, thank you! I have no words to express on how grateful I am for you all to come together as one family and make this happen! I am looking forward to the celebrations!

Welcome to the group! You can connect with other members, get updates and share photos.


    This group is for the volunteers behind the success of the F...
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